Senator Boxer Releases Principles For Global Warming Legislation

"Chairwoman Boxer has crafted a clear and concise set of principles that will pave the way for strong science-based ÃÛèÖAPP legislation. The release of these principles couldn't come at a better time. By taking these issues head on, we can cut global warming pollution and repower America with clean and efficient energy. This will reduce our dependence on oil, protect our communities and environment, and revitalize our failing economy by creating millions of new jobs and building the clean energy economy of the future.

"We applaud Chairwoman Boxer and her colleagues on the Committee for their leadership on this critically important issue. Combined with strong commitments from House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman, House and Senate leadership, and the White House, we are confident that Congress will move forward with strong ÃÛèÖAPP legislation this year."


California Senator Barbara Boxer chairs the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Her principles statement can be viewed at