
The Surprising Way Seabird Poop Helps Keep the Arctic Cool
November 17, 2016 — New research suggests that the ammonia in seabird waste plays a part in the formation of sunlight-reflecting clouds.
The Origins of Our Misguided Hatred for Pigeons
November 14, 2016 — Perhaps the problem with those “rats with wings” lies with us, not them.
Why Do Some Seabirds Eat So Much Plastic? It Smells Like Food.
November 09, 2016 — New research shows that certain seabirds associate a scent produced by common plastics with potential meals—much to their detriment.
How Golden Eagles Spot Prey from Incredible Distances
November 08, 2016 — The secret is in the density of their visual cells.
The Common Swift Is the New Record Holder for Longest Uninterrupted Flight
November 07, 2016 — Scientists have found that the birds can stay in the air for 10 months straight. That is a very long time.
Pied Butcherbirds, Virtuosos of the Bird World, Croon Like Jazz Singers
October 20, 2016 — The Australian songbirds structure their songs like improvisational jazz riffs, according to a new study.
Watch: The Male Costa's Hummingbird Puts On One Wild Mating Display
October 12, 2016 — The behavior is rarely seen, and it's one of the more dramatic examples of courtship in the bird world.
Birds Avoid Mid-Air Collisions By Following These Two Simple Rules
October 03, 2016 — While studying new technologies for drones, researchers discovered the instincts that keep birds from colliding.
The Collaborative Effort to Save the Greater Sage-Grouse Continues
September 22, 2016 — One year after it was announced that the bird would not be listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act, an update.
After 100 Years, Scientists Are Finally Starting to Understand the Mysterious Great Gray Owl
September 19, 2016 — The elusive owls live in California's Sierra Nevada and have fascinated researchers for a century, but studying them has never been easy.