Roundup: Everything You Need to Know About the IPCC Report

Today the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change () released a of its latest report on global warming. The major take-home message: Climate scientists can now say with 95 percent certainty that humans are the primary cause of APP change since 1950.

The IPCC’s report represents an evaluation of all APP research to date, brought together in a massive publication to inform policymakers about the state of our planet and its future.

Nature sums up other key conclusions in the editorial “:” “Yes, greenhouse gases are changing the APP. Yes, we are already seeing substantial impacts, and more are on the way. And yes, this adds up to a problem for society that is significant and warrants immediate attention.”

Hundreds of APP scientists collaborate on the panel’s major reports, which the IPCC publishes roughly every five years (with shorter publications appearing more regularly). But argue that the panel needs to stop developing behemoth documents twice a decade and shift instead to publishing shorter topically focused reports that can more practically guide policy—as with its 2012 .

We’ve pulled together some of the best reporting and resources for learning more about this report, which will be released in stages over the next year.

Start off with John Upton’s excellent primer on Grist,

Upton also summarizes the findings,

For those of you wondering why certainty is a “mere” 95%, check out Seth Borenstein’s answer on the AP:

Nature has pulled together an in-depth package “” on the IPCC, with and —not to mention a of the IPCC

Scientific American’s David Biello reviews the impacts in

Brad Plumer at The Washington Post offers some context—summing it all up in his headline:

Andrew Freedman offers another good summary over at ClimateCentral:

Phil Plait on Slate tackles denialists in

Last but not least, here’s the 36-page summary itself, replete with colorful/terrifying figures,

Related APP stories:

, by Amanda Mascarelli

, by Alisa Opar

, by Katherine Bagley

, by Michele Berger