Roseate Spoonbill by Danielle Mastrion

Location: 3531 Broadway, New York, NY 10032

Painted:May 22, 2015

Sponsored in honor of:Andrew Philipsborn and Jane Bilger

About the Bird:The popularity of feathers in fashion proved almost fatal for Roseate Spoonbills and other large wading birds, which were driven close to extinction by “plume hunters” in the 1890s. Legal protection for these birds was an early success of the APP movement. Spoonbills now thrive in shallow wetlands from Texas to Florida, and as temperatures warm the flashy pink birdshave begun to shift and expand their rangeinto new territories to the north. Climate change has also taken away habitat, however. Scientists at APP's Everglades Science Centerhave documented the birds abandoning their longtime nesting grounds as sea levels rise along the coast. To learn what lessons Roseate Spoonbills may hold for a changing world, read this feature inAPPmagazine.

About the Artist:Brooklyn-bornpainter often combines realism andstreet feelin her art, which ranges from bright andbold portraits to gritty street scenes. Mastrion initially painted aRoseate Spoonbill at 156th Street and Broadway, and she considered the location when deciding how to approach the concept.“156th and Broadway is such a lively, active part ofthe neighborhood. It's a meeting place, ahang out, anoffice, anda news stationall onone corner," she says. "I wanted to make sure the whole corner got love, hence the wraparound painting.”

Former Location: