Reddish Egret by Matthew Woodward

Location: 3604 Broadway, New York, NY 10031

ʲԳٱ:November 20, 2017

(This mural has since been removed.)

About the Bird:Often putting on a showas it lurks and stabs atfishesin the shallowsofthe Gulf Coast, theReddish Egretis hard to miss. But because these large birds prefer estuaries to puresaltwater or freshwater, they're vulnerable to rising seas.Climate change will also bring increased spring heat waves that could endanger their young.

About the Artist: is an artistwhose pieceshave close connections to his home state of New York. His work usually begins with a historical object, often an architectural emblem, whichhe thenremoves from its context anddistorts. By doing this,heattempts tocall attention to an imagethat isimpossiblyfamiliar. By painting the Reddish Egret he chose a familiar yet age-old object too. Years ago, he spent some time in Florida, where the Reddish Egret is a resident. Egrets look timeless to him,he says, “like they have been born from a deep and unique reverence for the Earth, and as if they were a testament to that same wild and kindly unhurried spirit that had also moved us through.”

Former Location: