Recipe: Mesquite Margarita

Courtesy of Barbara Rose/Bean Tree Farm

Last week I about a that harnesses the power of mesquite, a ubiquitous southwestern legume whose seeds and pods can be used as ingredients for a variety of dishes. I also included a recipe for mesquite tamales. They sound delish, but dinner's dry without a beverage. You're in luck: Barbara Rose of created the following recipe for a mesquite margarita. Sounds like the perfect companion, no? Salud!

Mesquite Margarita
By Barbara Rose/

Recipe makes 16-ounces, over ice
1 ounce mesquite syrup* (For recipes, see page 50 or 52 in the cookbook.)
1 ounce agave syrup
2 ounces tequila
3 ounces beer or kombucha (home-brewed if possible)
3 ounces fresh citrus juice (lemon, lime, grapefruit, experiment!)
Garnish with: salt, a hot chile, citrus wedges, mesquite pod swizzle sticks, as desired.Pour over ice into large, chilled, rim-salted glasses.

*For a more “mesquitey” flavor, increase it and decrease agave syrup. Experiment and enjoy!