Poll Confirms Voter Support for Gulf Restoration: Statement from David Yarnold

New York, NY - Statement of APP President & CEO David Yarnold regarding release of new poll on Gulf Coast restoration by Lake Research Partners and Bellwether Research and Consulting: “Playing politics with Gulf Coast restoration is a losing proposition. “This poll of Gulf voters is a wake-up call for anyone who would put political bickering ahead of the restoration that can safeguard the people, the ecosystems and the future of the Gulf. “Senators seeking to block restoration plans and funding had better pay attention: Three of five Gulf Coast voters say they’d be less likely to cast ballots for federal legislators who vote against restoration funding. Nearly eight out of ten want to see a separate restoration fund created from the billions that BP will pay in fines. And nearly nine out of ten see the health of the Gulf as important to their states’ economies. These are not concerns to be trifled with. “This is a powerful endorsement of the funding and restoration plans that Secretary Ray Mabus recommended just yesterday. To ignore those recommendations and this kind of public support would amount to a slap in the face for every American who cares about this national treasure. The poll confirms that is not the kind of slap the public will take lightly. “The House of Representatives has spoken. The White House has spoken. The people have spoken. Senators, it’s up to you now, and everyone is watching” The poll was funded by the Walton Family Foundation and released by a coalition of pro-restoration environmental, business, fishing, and anti-poverty organizations, including APP. Poll details can be found at: http://www.waltonfamilyfoundation.org/gulf-region-poll-results/ Contact: David Ringer 601 642-7058 dringer@audubon.org Nancy Severance 212 979-3124 nseverance@audubon.org