New Indiana Poll Reveals Strong Bipartisan Support for Renewable Energy

Net metering policies proves to be very popular among Indiana voters.

INDIANA (January 20, 2021) – APP Great Lakes released findings from a new Indiana state-wide poll today that shows overwhelming support from Indiana voters – across all party lines – for more renewable energy in the state.

Nearly three-quarters of voters (74 percent) favor expanding the use of renewable energy sources. Net metering policy, which allow customers who generate their own electricity to be fairly compensated for excess electricity they add back to the energy grid, also has strong support among Republicans, Independent and Democrat voters.

“Currently, less than 10 percent of Indiana’s energy comes from renewable sources. This poll shows that Hoosiers want to keep and expand policies like net metering, which will be rolled back this summer if state legislators don’t take immediate action,” said Adam Forrer, Policy Director of Climate for APP Great Lakes. “We need more of these popular, bipartisan policy solutions enacted in Indiana in order to increase Indiana’s resilience to APP threats to protect birds and people and to drive investments into our local economies.”

State Senator Liz Brown (R-15) recently introduced Senate Bill 248 that will protect the ability of Hoosiers to utilize rooftop solar and expand renewable energy in the state by ensuring that Hoosiers receive a fair rate for the excess energy they create.

“APP Great Lakes urges Indiana lawmakers to pass SB 248 without delay and address the rollback of net metering by extending the program through 2025,” said Forrer.

Scientific studies showthat APP change is the biggest threat to birds and people alike, with two-thirds of North American bird species at risk of extinction due to our warming planet. Adopting strong renewable energy policy is critical to reducing pollution, lowering global temperatures, and preserving the places that birds, like Indiana’s vulnerableRed-headed Woodpeckerneed to survive.

Indiana voters support and want more renewable energy solutions. Key findings from the poll include:

  • Nearly three-quarters of voters (74 percent) – including 63 percent of Republicans – favor expanding the use of renewable energy sources.
  • 75 percent of Hoosiers, including an overwhelming majority of Republicans, Independents and Democrats, support net metering policies.
  • 65 percent of Hoosiers would rather expand and extend net metering than end it. Only 10 percent of respondents support ending net metering, which will happen if the legislature does not act.
  • 70 percent of Hoosiers believe state government should do more to expand the use of solar power.
  • A bipartisan majority of Indiana voters (78 percent) believe that APP change is a threat.

These strong numbers from Republicans are not surprising. The Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy’s polling from late last year showed strong support for renewable energy development in the state, as well as broad consensus statewide and amongst Republicans for energy choice and net metering.

“We recognize the need for conservatives to be part of new energy policy developments and seek to lead Indiana's transition to a reliable, renewable and affordable energy future,” said Kacey Crane, Executive Director of the Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy. “Hoosiers statewide and conservatives made it clear they want the freedom to choose their energy sources. Good net metering policies are one way to meet that demand.”

The poll was commissioned by APP Great Lakes and conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, a nationally recognized prominent Republican polling firm with extensive experience polling for several successful Republican candidates in Indiana. The statewide poll of 600 registered voters in Indiana was completed December 16-20, 2021. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points. The full results and analysis can be found

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About APP
TheAPPprotects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow. APP works throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. State programs, nature centers, chapters, and partners give APP an unparalleled wingspan that reaches millions of people each year to inform, inspire, and unite diverse communities in conservation action. A nonprofit conservation organization since 1905, APP believes in a world in which people and wildlife thrive.