Is This the Most Adorable Epidemic Ever?

A budgie surrounded by yawning budgies can’t help but yawn, too.

Be careful not to catch that yawn.ÌýScientists have yet to figure out what the purpose behind yawning is, but they do know that it’s contagious. They think that seeing someone else yawn causes the brain to feel some primal form of empathy, perhaps making the bystander yawn, too.

There’s anecdotal evidence that budgies—otherwise known as Budgerigars or shell parakeets—can also catch yawns from each other. N´Ç·ÉÌýin a paper published inÌý,Ìýresearchers at the State University of New York are

In one experiment, the scientists put captive budgies in cages next to each other and counted the number of yawning beaks. Overall, the birdsÌýyawned three times as often as they didÌýwhen they were hanging out on their own. Then, during a second experiment, the researchers showed the birds videos of other yawning budgies. This made the birds yawn twice as muchÌýas when they were left alone.

Yawning is sometimes associated with anxiety and stress in animals, so the researchers had to account for other anxiety-ridden behaviors—scratching, for example—to make sure that the budgies were actually inspiring each other, and not just freaking out. They found that these other stress-related behaviors were infrequent, and therefore, ruled out anxiety as the cause.

The scientists suggest that since the budgies were housed in the same room together, they might have some degree of social familiarity—making them more likely to yawn more. "WeÌýpropose that BudgerigarsÌýrepresent a good model for exploring primitive forms ofÌýempathic processing," they write in the study. They also say thatÌýsince there's anÌýassociation between contagious yawning andÌýempathy, there should beÌýadditional research onÌýthe behavior in other social vertebrates.Ìý

ThisÌýstudy is the first published example of contagious yawning in non-mammals. Similar results have been seen inÌýhumans, domesticated dogs, chimps, and .

Here’s what a yawning budgie looks. (It sort of looks like it’s squawking, but it’s silent):

Correction: The article previously stated that the budgies in the experiment were wild. That's incorrect: The birds were purchased from commercial vendors and housedÌýin a vivarium at SUNY Oneonta.