Florida Scrub-Jay and Mexican Jay by Welin

Location: 3528 Broadway, New York, NY 10032


About the Birds:A habitat specialist, the Florida Scrub-Jay depends heavily on scruboak in the state where it is endemic—a vegetation that is vulnerable to warming. While APP’s APP models show the bird hanging on in summer, 96 percent of its range in winter may no longer support it. MexicanJays, on the other hand, can be found in the foothill oak forest oftheNew Mexico–Arizona “sky islands” and the Big Bend area of Texas.Although it may retain strongholds in Mexico, much of its U.S. range may be lost.

About the Artist:Since 2011Welinhas hada great passion for graffiti art and street artand has decorated everything from large walls to facades, trucks, homes, institutions, and offices.He draws inspiration from thingshappening in society and likes to mixgraffiti withtraditional art,givingit a different expression. He paired two species for this mural, chosen for “their beautiful color and their similarities.”

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