Celebrating Birds Through the Lens of Photography

The co-hosted APP + Canon Birds in Focus event series has helped the APP and Canon U.S.A. engage with new audiences.

lookeda little different than usual during the first weekend of September. Local artists, craft vendors, butterfly and native plant tents, and bird-band stations dotted the premises. Dispersed inside the historic Antebellum Davis House, which dates from when Strawberry Plains was a cotton plantation,were APP Photography Award winning photos, Canon binoculars, scopes, cameras, and lenses. And throughout the weekend, the center hosted thousands of visitors, ranging from people across the state and country tomigrating Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.

Earlier this fall, the Strawberry Plains APP Center hosted its 20th annual Hummingbird Migration and Nature Celebration Festival in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Each day featured bird-banding demonstrations, rehabilitated wildlife and birds, wagon rides, speeches from conservationists and APP leaders, and APP + Canon Birds in Focus ɲ.

Since April 2018, APP has teamed up with Canon U.S.A. to co-host APP + Canon Birds in Focus.The event seriesintroduces photographers to the world of birding and introduces bird lovers to a new way to engage with wildlife, and bird enthusiasts and photographers have flocked to them to test gear, learn from Canon technical experts, and see birdlife at its most vivid. In addition to getting pro-tips from, attendees also get the chance to learn about native plants, local wildlife, and birds from APP volunteers and naturalists. Within the past year, APP and Canon brought the event series to several states: Texas, Washington, Minnesota, Mississippi, Connecticut, and Ohio. The largest of the APP + Canon Birds in Focus events have attracted more than 15,000 people over a three-day period.

“Our gear is new to them (birders) and bird photography is new to some of these Canon owners,” says Matt Gorman Director of Sales Development eCommerce and Strategy at Canon U.S.A. and the architect behind the partnership with APP. “It’s fun to see a wide range of age groups capture images and engage with their surroundings."The events also provideeach organizaton with a way to interact witha wider and more diverseaudience,Gorman notes."Separately, we would have never had the chance to engage these communities," he says. "But together, our initiatives, programs, and products are reaching more people in different demographics.”

During the Hummingbird Migration and Nature Celebration, local naturalists Hal Mitchell and Bill Hampton advised attendees on ethical practices on attracting hummingbirds for photos and pointed out native plants such asjewel weed, poke weed, andAmerican beauty berry, and non-native plants like Japanese stilt grass.Avid birders, festival-goers, amateur and professional photographers, and campus chapter membersthat went on APP + Canon Birds in Focus walks scoped outand snapped pictures of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and other songbirds that are passing through on their way to their winter homes in Central and South America. Visitors also got to test their gear at a bird blind and during live demonstrations with rehabilitated birds.

Stay tuned here forupcoming APP + Canon Birds in Focus events.