Birds in the News

Five Bird Calls That Will Make You Laugh
September 10, 2015 — Check out these dumb (but endearing) sounds, courtesy of The Birdist.
Why a Hawk Is a Hummingbird’s Best Friend
September 08, 2015 — The raptors help keep predators away from the tiny birds, new research shows.
Birds Don’t Like (Fake) Traffic
September 04, 2015 — An experimental roadway of noise shows how the sound of traffic scares and hurts birds.
As Sage-Grouse Decision Looms, West Holds Its Breath
September 03, 2015 — U.S. Fish and Wildlife will decide whether to list the bird by the end of September.
Meet the Chinese Military's Elite New Bird-Patrol Squad
September 03, 2015 — The People's Liberation Army deployed a team of monkeys, dogs, and raptors to clear birds from Beijing's military bases before its big parade.
How to Raise a Wild Bird: The Tricks and Costumes Behind the Whooping Crane's Return
August 31, 2015 — Photographer Tom Lynn’s takes an intimate look at a Whooping Crane reintroduction program, from hatching to disguised human parenting to release.
The American Dipper
August 28, 2015 — This pudgy little bird may not look like anything special, but beneath its underwhelming exterior beats the heart of a champion.
How to Protect Seabirds From Fishing Threats
August 21, 2015 — A new study shows that seabird populations have crashed by 70 percent. Here are five innovations that might help slow the trend.
No Birdsong Near Abandoned Colorado Mines
August 19, 2015 — Colorado’s toxic “yellow river” may look bad, but it’s just a visual manifestation of a larger problem.
The Tales Behind eBird’s Most Extraordinary Finds
August 19, 2015 — Anyone can access eBird data on the web, but for the experiences behind the numbers we had to ask the dedicated birders themselves.