Birds in the News

How A 60-Year-Old Shipwreck Is Still Hurting Birds Today
March 15, 2016 — Oil from the S.S. Jacob Luckenbach has killed over 50,000 birds . . . and four of them died just this winter.
What Do the Birds and the Bees Have to Do With Global Food Supply?
March 10, 2016 — A new report from the United Nations suggests that the loss of certain pollinating species could threaten the planet’s food supply.
Birdist Rule #72: It’s Okay to Dislike Some Birds
March 09, 2016 — You don’t have to love every species. Here are some good candidates for your less-than-favorite birds.
How Your Most Recent Birding Trip Could Save Rare Species
March 03, 2016 — New research shows that information from recreational birders could help researchers better focus conservation efforts.
How One Underappreciated Habitat Is a Boon for Birds
March 01, 2016 — Shrublands may not be as iconic as other natural settings, but they’re finally getting the respect they deserve.
Do Birds Have an Inherent Right to Fly?
February 29, 2016 — The Indian Supreme Court is looking at the question in a more liberal—and literal—light.
Five of the Most Epic Bird Heists in History
February 29, 2016 — When bird meets bandit, there's usually an unhappy ending. Here are some of the craziest.
California Condors Achieve a Happy New Milestone
February 26, 2016 — For the first time in decades, the odds are looking more in the condors’ favor.
Why Were 13 Bald Eagles Found Dead in Maryland?
February 26, 2016 — The discovery has federal officials hot on the case. Here’s what might have happened to the birds.
How Does a Cowbird Learn To Be a Cowbird?
February 25, 2016 — New research explains how these brood parasites—who are raised by other species—still manage to become cowbirds.