Birds Make the Art, Part 12

Hard to believe, but it’s our 12th Birds Make the Art post. One of our highlighted artists makes realistic-looking paper bird models. Another cuts intricate bird designs. The third creates beautiful paintings.

Louise Jenkins

Worcestershire-based artist Louise Jenkins loves birds. “I create work inspired by the natural world,” she wrote by e-mail. See all of her animal-inspired work on her .

Johan Scherft

Since he was 14, Johan Scherft has been making paper bird models, coloring the realistic-looking animals with pencil. The Dutch artist has since expanded his repertoire to include mammals and fish, but birds still hold a special place in his heart. Check out Scherft’s work , and get tutorials on his .

Lauren Jones Worth

Lauren Jones Worth’s style is difficult to describe. She puts it best: “My work is acrylic paint, handmade and decorative papers, original stencils and drawings, along with dried leaves, sticks, and some dried fruits embedded in paper,” she writes. “My primary focus is on the natural world, specifically trees, birds, and koi fish.” Check out her for additional pieces.

Previous Birds Make the Art posts:
, Wayne Stratz, Suzanna McMahan, and Angel Perez
, Abby Sernoff, Adam Doyle, and Linda Hardy
, artists Brian Williams, Rosalyn Chatt, and Donna Surles
, artists Alex Spinney, Ren