Bird Madness: Soaring Sixteen #7

You’ve clicked in your votes, and the majority rules in favor of the northern cardinal in last week’s . But the contender—a red-shafted flicker—held its own. How close will this next match-up be? You decide!


  • King Penguin (top)
  • Carolina Chickadee (bottom)
Created on Dec 10, 2012

Voting for this round ends Wednesday night, December 12, 2012, around 4:30 p.m.

Wondering what’s going on? From mid-November 2012 until early January 2013, we’re pitting some of the entries from this year’s Photo Awards (selected in no particular order) against one another. Then you get to vote. We’ll feature the winner on our website, along with an article about how she or he captured the shot.

In our January-February 2013 issue, we’ll also feature the official winners of the awards, selected by our panel of judges.

Previous winners

