Bird Madness: Feathered Four #2

The first Feathered Four round was a tight match, but the in the end. Help decide which photo it goes up against: the floating chickadee or the cardinal in flight. Which do you like best?

Photo: Linda Hoopes

Each round of the Soaring Sixteen, we posted two entries from this year’s . (Check out our , announced recently, if you haven’t seen them yet.)

Those winners went head to head in our Egret Eight round. The top quartet makes it to the Feathered Four, then two onto the championship match.

More than 2,200 votes have so far helped us choose the winners of our Soaring Sixteen and Egret Eight rounds. The ultimate victor of Bird Madness will appear on , along with a story about how he or she captured the shot. Vote here! Voting closes on Sun., Jan. 13. Next week, we crown our People’s Choice Bird Madness winner!