Bird Madness: Egret Eight Round #3

Happy New Year, all you bird lovers! What does 2012 mean for you? For us, it means we’re diving right back into our Bird Madness competition.

In case you forgot where we were, you’ve chosen two of our Feathered Four finalists already. The first was , the second, . Nice work! Now, we need another two finalists.

Today we pit the beautifully colorful Eurasian roller against the amazing red-shouldered hawk, our Matchup winners from rounds and , respectively. They both come from our photo gallery, “.”

If you need a refresher on how our game works, here are some details: Each round of the Soaring Sixteen, we posted two entries from this year’s APP Magazine Photo Awards. Those winners are going head to head in our Egret Eight round. The top quartet makes it to the Feathered Four, then two onto the championship match.

It’s all in anticipation of announcing the official winners of our Photo Awards—coming so soon, now!—selected by our design director, Kevin Fisher, our photo editor, Lila Garnett, and publisher and editor-in-chief of Nature’s Best Photography magazine, Steve Freligh.

More than 1,300 of you chose the winners of our Soaring Sixteen. The ultimate victor of Bird Madness will appear on , along with a story about how he or she captured the shot. Our Jan-Feb 2012 issue will feature the awards’ official winners.

Vote here! Voting closes on Wed., Jan. 4. The next match will start on Thursday, Jan. 5.