Bird Cupcakes Rock

Here at magazine, we love pretty much anything related to birds—even if they’re angry.

Like when Big Bird starting taking slack last night during the Presidential debate, we felt for him. (Apparently so did many others; , the hashtags #BigBird and #PBS both got about 17,000 tweets per minute after Mitt Romney’s comment saying he would cut Sesame Street funding. Users also immediately started tweeting with the hashtag #SaveBigBird, and the handle @FiredBigBird had 27,000+ followers within 12 hours.)

For my birthday this year, a colleague created these pretty awesome cupcakes in the likeness of—as you can clearly see—the Angry Birds of game fame. She did the red bird, the blue bird, and the yellow bird, and of course, the pigs. Which is your favorite?


Back in 2010, when articles editor Alisa Opar realized that Angry Birds were taking over the nation, she asked bird expert and Field Editor Kenn Kaufman for . If you haven’t read the post (or haven’t read it in awhile), it’s worth a look. One of them he calls a Greater Antillean Bullfinch.