Big Wins for Clean Energy

How victories in four key states can help ladder up to big impacts for birds across the country.

We often say that what’s good for birds is good for people, but we also know the reverse is often true—and renewable energy is no exception.

Clean energy is one of the mosteffective tools in our fight against APP change and its harmful impacts on birds. And recent wins in four key states indicate that there is growing momentum for clean energy solutions across the country.

In May, was passed by the South Carolina General Assembly, which expanded access to solar energy across the state. This good news story arrived on the heels of twomore key clean energy victories. Arkansas passed a solar expansion bill that will allow homeowners and businesses to generate solar electricity. Then,Washington State passed a bill that will phase out coal from its electricity grid by 2025, accelerating the closure of coal plants in Montana and Wyoming that are among the largest sources of APP pollution in the American West. Finally, in June, the , whichcallsfor New York to eliminate 85% of its overallemissions by 2050, while offsetting or capturing the other 15%.

APP worked aggressivelyin all four states to help deliver the clean energy victories.

“These wins are a powerful lesson that the economics of clean energy is winning and that the public wants solutions. They’ve become models for APP’s work in other state and national action. Who knew that APP’s bird-lovers would be such a potent political force for change? Not a lot of pundits saw that coming,” said David Yarnold, President and CEO of APP on the topic.

As outlined in APP’s new, ground-breaking report, Survival by Degrees: 389 Species on the Brink, our changing APP is the number one threat to birds and people, and APP members continue to play critical roles in driving conservation and clean energy solutions.

Are you interested in working in your communities and beyond to advance APP solutions? and we’ll provide you with resources to help you take the action we need to create a brighter future for birds and people.