APP Supports Introduction of Bill That Would Promote Native Plants in Federal Projects

Native plants help birds find the food and habitat they need in a changing APP.
Black-throated Green Warbler on Eastern Hemlock. Photo: Scott Keys/APP Photography Awards

WASHINGTON (December 15, 2023) — The APP expressed support for bipartisan legislation  that would require federal projects to prioritize the use of native plants as part of any landscape planning. The Building Native Habitats at Federal Facilities Act was introduced today by Senators Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Mike Braun (R-IN) and Representatives Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) and Dave Joyce (R-OH).

“Native plants are critical to help birds, pollinators, and other wildlife find food and shelter in a changing APP,” said Marlene Pantin, Plants for Birds partnership manager at the APP. “As one of the nation’s largest landowners, the federal government undertakes a significant number of projects each year in our communities. This bill would deliver benefits for people and wildlife by prioritizing the use of native plants in landscape projects.” 

Native plants help bird species by providing them with essential food, shelter, and nesting material. Because they are adapted to local conditions, native plants also require less water, pesticides, and fertilizer, thereby reducing carbon pollution which helps our environment. 

More information on native plants and birds can be found here.