ÃÛèÖAPP Statement on Minnesota Vikings Rejecting Bird-Safe Glass for New Stadium

Statement from ÃÛèÖAPP Minnesota Executive Director Matthew Anderson:

“Responding to 25,000 petition signatures and national media attention, the Vikings and the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority have doubled down on their claim that they can’t afford the relatively small additional cost of glass that could save the lives of thousands of native songbirds and improve energy efficiency. And yet, the Vikings recently found a way to spend more than $1 million on an upscale ‘preview center’ and $1.3 million for ‘design features’ related to TVs and escalators, according to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal.

“The cost of safer glass – which is readily available from the Minnesota-based company already supplying the stadium’s other glass needs – is about one-tenth of one percent of the billion-dollar project. The same glass that will help save birds will also help save energy, offsetting the cost over time. It's a win win win. It's as clear as glass."