APP President David Yarnold Urges Senate to Heed Recommendations of Gulf Report

Statement of APP President & CEO David Yarnold on the September 28 Release of Secretary Ray Mabus’ America’s Gulf Coast Report and Recommendations “This report is nothing short of a checklist for the survival of people, the environment and the future of the Gulf Coast. We cannot afford to ignore its recommendations or let political bickering stand in the way. “This report leaves the Senate no place to hide on issues that will determine the future of the Gulf Coast. The House has spoken, so it’s now up to Senators to dedicate billions in BP fines to coastal recovery and to aiding Gulf states, as the Secretary recommends. The Senate should also follow the recommendation to establish a recovery council to manage the proper use of those funds. And they need to do it now. “The administration is wisely creating a temporary task force to oversee the recovery effort and putting EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson in the lead. But only the Senate can keep the ball moving. These recommendations provide vital expert advice and direction the Senate needs to help the Gulf Coast—to ignore them would be a slap in the face of every American who cares about this national treasure.” For more information on APP’s conservation work in the gulf, visit Contacts: Nancy Severance 212 979-3124 David Ringer 601 642-7058