ÃÛèÖAPP Leader Comments On Proposed American Power Act

ÃÛèÖAPP Senior Director of Government Relations Mike Daulton released the following statement regarding a discussion draft of the American Power Act announced May 12 by Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT)

"Today's introduction of the American Power Act brings important new momentum to the effort to pass comprehensive clean energy and ÃÛèÖAPP legislation – a step forward that will hopefully spur the Senate to pass legislation this year. At its core, this bill is designed to significantly reduce global warming pollution by making big polluters clean up and pay their fair share. In doing so, the bill helps invest in clean energy that's made in America and will create new jobs here at home, reduces our dependence on oil, and provides critically important funding to help birds and wildlife adapt to a changing ÃÛèÖAPP.

"The Gulf Coast oil spill disaster is another vivid reminder that we can't afford to feed our oil addiction and promote the same old energy policies of yesterday. Unfortunately, this bill includes hard fought compromises that could allow more dirty drilling off our coasts and other provisions that would limit the ability to clean up old dirty coal plants. As the Senate moves forward, ÃÛèÖAPP is committed to strengthening and passing legislation that holds big polluters accountable, cleans up dirty coal plants, protects our coasts, reduces our dependence on oil, and protects birds, wildlife, and our environment."

"We cannot afford to wait any longer for Congress to take action. Senators Kerry and Lieberman are to be commended for their work, but now it's time for President Obama and Senate Majority Reid must step up to the plate lead the charge to pass a comprehensive clean energy and ÃÛèÖAPP legislation this year."

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To interview Mike Daulton about this issue, contact Justin Tatham jtatham@audubon.org 202-861-2242 x3044