APP Gala Honors Leading Conservationists with Top Environmental Awards

Bette Midler performed a “People” parody, “Skylark”, “When the Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob, Bobbin’ Along” and closed the evening with “Wind Beneath My Wings.”

“APP is a visionary organization that has seen the importance ofconservation for more than one hundred years,” said Midler, founder of the . “We only have one planet, and by protecting the birds and lands thatmake uptheir habitats, we are protecting our future.”

“The APP Medal and the Lufkin Prize celebrate men of compassion and courage, and it’s pretty remarkable to be able to honor both of these leaders at one event,” said APP President and CEO . “Not only that, it was the most successful fundraiser APP has ever had.”

The evening raised over $2.4 million for the organization.

Tom Brokaw hosted gala.“I had the privilege of serving as the emcee at the APP’s Centennial Gala in 2005, and am thrilled to be here tonight to celebrate the achievements of two of this country’s great conservationists,” Brokaw said.

Guests included Uma Thurman and Arki Busson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Maya Lin, Jane Alexander, Ambassador Ana Irene Delgado, Allison Rockefeller, Louis and Gabrielle Bacon, Cynthia and Dan W. Lufkin, Sonia and Paul Tudor Jones II and many more.

Speakers included Louis Bacon, George Archibald, APP President and CEO David Yarnold, Chairman of the Board Holt Thrasher, Dan W. Lufkin and Paul Tudor Jones II. The evening closed with a special performance by Bette Midler.

Photographs and video available from David J. Ringer ( 212-979-3062