ÃÛèÖAPP and Partners Honored with Award for Leadership in Arizona Water Policy

Arizona Capitol Times notices our efforts at the statehouse.

ÃÛèÖAPP and its partners in the Water for Arizona Coalition are proud to receive the award from the Arizona Capitol Times—a local paper covering state politics—in today's award ceremony.

Each year, the Arizona Capitol Times recognizes people "and organizations that have contributed greatly to the growth of our state. These groups, companies and individuals hunker down each day to find ways to improve the quality of life of Arizonans. This year's awardees tirelessly work to advance their companies, communities and cities. Collectively, their contributions have allowed Arizona to flourish."

In addition to ÃÛèÖAPP, the Water for Arizona Coalition includes American Rivers, Business for Water Stewardship, Environmental Defense Fund, and Western Resource Advocates. Water for Arizona promotes policies and innovative practices to ensure a reliable water supply to meet the state's needs. We seek to protect groundwater and surface water supplies, expand innovative conservation programs, secure adequate funding to steward water resources, and ensure clean, reliable water for all Arizonans.

As we inch towards another Legislative session, which will begin in January 2021, ÃÛèÖAPP and our partners are ready to activate around these critical issues for birds and people—and there is no shortage of issues facing our state.