APP and GOP ConservAmerica launch campaign to bridge partisan divide on environment and energy

The APP and Republican group ConservAmerica today launched a groundbreaking campaign aimed at bridging the nation’s bitter partisan divides over energy and the environment.

The targets common-sense approaches to conservation and energy development to counter the partisanship has confused and polarized voters and jeopardized America’s commitment to conserving natural resources for the health of people and wildlife.

“Extremists on both sides of the political divide have hijacked America’s conservation movement,” said , president and CEO of the . “We believe Americans want to break the gridlock. This is not just a fight to save the planet; this is a fight to save the neighborhoods where we live and the open space and waterways where we work and play. Conservation doesn’t have a party.”

“We call on the next administration and the next Congress to detoxify the conversation over energy and conservation issues,” said Rob Sisson, president of . “The rancor of recent years represents a cynical, short-sighted attitude that betrays the important shared values that have always united us.”

The invites supporters, regardless of party affiliation, to demand common-sense stewardship of land and waters, energy independence and protecting the health of U.S. communities. The compact urges new approaches that allow political leaders to:

  • Develop energy in smarter ways to balance our energy and job needs with safeguarding our air and waters, avoiding sensitive landscapes, protecting public health, and protecting vulnerable birds and wildlife in sensitive lands and waters.

  • Preserve and protect our public lands parks, open spaces and wildlife for the benefit all Americans through the Land and Water Conservation Fund, North American Wetlands Conservation Act and Everglades restoration.

  • Confront the realities and threats of air and water pollution in our communities and our states and make sensible decisions on how to deal with it.

The campaign continues through early November. APP and ConservAmerica will deliver copies of the compact and a list of signers to the White House and to Congress.

Supporters can sign the compact at and can join the conversation at the Eagle’s Nest Blog () or on Twitter using the hashtag .


ConservAmericaGrowing a greener GOP from the ground up. Visit ConservAmerica online at .