An Artistic Way to Share the Shore

Signs made by kids can help spread the word on how to protect birds nesting at the beach.

During spring and summer, shorebirds arrive at beaches all along the United States to raise their babies. Many of them don’t even build a nest—instead, they dig a small cup in the sand (called a scrape) and lay their eggs there. TheÌýeggs are usually light brown and speckled likeÌýthe sand. And the chicks themselves tend to be light brown and speckled, too! By being camouflaged to blend in with their environment, baby birds and their parents are protected from wild predators like hawks and coyotes.

Birds nesting at the beach still face threats from people, though. In the summer, at the same time as baby birds are hatching from their eggs, people flock to the beach to swim in the ocean and rest in the sand. When beaches get too crowded, bird parents have trouble finding food for themselves and their chicks. Sometimes, people accidentally step on their nests. Dogs on the beach can chase and hurt nesting birds, too. Ìý

At ÃÛèÖAPP, our job is to beÌýgoodÌý²õ³Ù±ð·É²¹°ù»å²õ.ÌýA steward is a person who looks after the wellbeing of others—that can mean humans, animals, or even the land.ÌýIn early spring, when we notice birds returning to beaches from far-away places like the Bahamas, help protect their nestingÌýareas. Once they find the nest of a Piping Plover or Least Tern, they will install string fencing to keep people away. They also install educational signs with information about the birds that nest there and explain why the area is closed to the public.ÌýThe signs helpÌýpeople enjoy the beach and protect birds at the same time, by doing things likeÌýkeeping their dogs on leash, cleaning up their trash, and giving the birds the space they need.

In this activity, kids create their own beach-nesting bird signs. You can share them online with the hashtag #ShareTheShore and,Ìýof course, add them to your child's home art gallery. You can even hang them on your window so people walking by outside can learn more.Ìý


Colored pencils, markers, or crayons
Photos of shorebirds (or the links below)


  1. There are certain birds that need our protection more than others, and unfortunately many shorebird and seabird species are consideredÌýthreatened, endangered,Ìý´Ç°ùÌýat-risk. Here are a few that need extra help. Follow the links to learn about them in ÃÛèÖAPP's online Field Guide.

    Piping Plover

    Least Tern

    Snowy Plover

    American Oystercatcher

    Black Skimmer
  2. Pick your favorite of these, or a speciesÌýthat nests on a beach near you, and draw it on a piece of paper. Look for photos of its chicks and eggs and add those to your drawing too.ÌýOr if you prefer, you can print theseÌýÌýfrom ÃÛèÖAPP Connecticut’s #ShareTheShore program.Ìý
  3. Now it’s time to draw the beach. No bird can survive without a safe home! AddÌýhabitat, likeÌýsand, water, or beach plants.Ìý You can even show some examples of disturbances—things that frighten or cause trouble for these birds while they are nesting. An off-leashÌýdog or trash on a beach can be dangerous for these birds.
  4. Add a message that you think will encourage others to help keep nesting birds safe. By bringing attention to the birds and the importance of the fencing, more beachgoers will learn how to have fun responsibly. Popular ones include:

    Share the Love, Share the Shore
    Give Birds Space to Nest and Rest
    Birds are nesting here!
    Please keep dogs on a leash
    Respect the nest!
  5. Share your shorebird sign with family and friends. Send a photo of your finished drawing toÌýaudubonmagazine@audubon.orgÌýand post it on Twitter using the hashtagsÌý#kidsart and #sharetheshore andÌýtag @audubonsociety. If you tagÌýÃÛèÖAPP Connecticut they may share it with their network too (@ÃÛèÖAPPCT on , @ÃÛèÖAPPConnecticut on ,Ìý@ÃÛèÖAPP_CT on ).Ìý

This activity adaptedÌýfrom from ÃÛèÖAPP Connecticut's campaign (also available through ). and get more involved, including templates for how to write a letter to the editor of your local paper about the importance of sharing the shore.