
A King Eider with a colorful beak bobs in the water.
Conservation and Climate Provisions Prioritized in Biden Administration’s Annual Budget Request
April 02, 2024 — The FY25 request to Congress is not binding, but indicates a commitment to efforts that benefit birds.
Endangered Species Act Rules Prioritize Science in Conserving Vulnerable Species
March 28, 2024 — Newly-announced changes restore protections that were stripped away during the Trump Administration.
Legislation establishing a global conservation fund moves forward in House
March 26, 2024 — The United States Foundation for International Conservation would help address the biodiversity crisis around the world
What the Latest Annual Funding Means for Birds
March 14, 2024 — A package of FY24 funding legislation contains some benefits, but also some disappointments, for bird conservation.
Wetlands and Bird Conservation Bill Advances in the Senate
March 12, 2024 — The ACE Act renews funding for habitat conservation programs.
House Committee Advances Migratory Bird Conservation Bill
March 12, 2024 — The Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act moves to full House for approval.
APP's Glenn Olson Testifies Before U.S. House on America's Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act
March 06, 2024 — On March 6, 2024, Glenn Olson, APP's O'Brien Chair in Bird Conservation, gave the following testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries.
New Wildlife Habitat Bill Is Introduced, but More Resources are Needed to Recover Birds and Other Wildlife
February 28, 2024 — The America’s Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act will provide funds for state and tribal conservation, but also repeals critical programs, and lacks the resources needed to meet the moment.
The New PBS Nature Special Highlights Epic Shorebird Migrations
February 05, 2024 — “Flyways” calls attention to avian voyages and the challenges birds face.
Four Ways Congress Can Help Birds And People This Year
January 17, 2024 — Returning lawmakers have an opportunity to help birds, the APP, and our own communities.