
Legislation establishing a global conservation fund moves forward in House
March 26, 2024 — The United States Foundation for International Conservation would help address the biodiversity crisis around the world
A floating grid abuts a building atop a vast plane of water. Fish are grown inside nets being held aloft in this grid.
Conservationists Urge Caution as the Federal Government Promotes Fish Farming
March 22, 2024 — Aquaculture comes in many forms and can be done sustainably, but a push for more offshore operations raises concerns, environmentalists say.
A woman is climbing up a crack in an otherwise solid red mountain, off in the distance are mesas and valleys in various shades red and rust.
Rock Climbers Rise to the Occasion to Protect Cliff-Nesting Raptors
March 22, 2024 — In Bears Ears National Monument and climbing areas around the country, adventurers are working with scientists and educating their peers to prevent harm to the majestic birds whose habitat they share.
Illustration of a house and building next to trees and birds.
Conservation Groups Retool Their Missions to Address the Affordable Housing Crisis
March 22, 2024 — Protecting green space can drive up local property costs, so land trusts are forming new partnerships to create homes for people and wildlife.
What the Latest Annual Funding Means for Birds
March 14, 2024 — A package of FY24 funding legislation contains some benefits, but also some disappointments, for bird conservation.
A big blue sky and rows of green trees separated by a smaller strip of dirt, that dirt is slowly flooding.
A California Wetland Program’s Flood of New Funding Lifts Hopes for Shorebirds
March 14, 2024 — With many species rapidly declining along the Pacific Flyway, conservationists and landowners in the Central Valley are creating temporary wetlands where birds need them most.
Conservation, Sportsmen Groups Express Support for Efforts to Improve Future for Greater Sage-grouse and Sagebrush Country
March 14, 2024 — Proposed BLM management plans makes science-backed conservation a priority
Wetlands and Bird Conservation Bill Advances in the Senate
March 12, 2024 — The ACE Act renews funding for habitat conservation programs.
House Committee Advances Migratory Bird Conservation Bill
March 12, 2024 — The Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act moves to full House for approval.
ÃÛèÖAPP's Glenn Olson Testifies Before U.S. House on America's Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act
March 06, 2024 — On March 6, 2024, Glenn Olson, ÃÛèÖAPP's O'Brien Chair in Bird Conservation, gave the following testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries.