
‘Black Birders Week’ Promotes Diversity and Takes on Racism in the ÃÛèÖAPP
June 01, 2020 — Sparked by a racist incident last week in Central Park, the new initiative aims to boost recognition and representation of Black people enjoying and studying the natural world.
When to Expect Hummingbirds in Your Yard This Spring
May 21, 2020 — Flowers are beginning to bloom, and hummingbirds are starting to return from their southern winter sojourns. Here’s a regional guide for when they should arrive and the food they’re seeking.
In Quarantine, I Finally Understood the Magic of Birds
May 14, 2020 — It took a pandemic for me to see what my mother had been trying to show me my whole life.
Why Birding From Home Is Not An Equal Opportunity Activity
April 30, 2020 — Poorer neighborhoods often harbor less quality green space and a lower diversity of birds—an inequity that the pandemic makes hard to ignore.
It’s Me, Your Birder Friend—Help Me Help You Identify That Species
April 24, 2020 — Saw a bird but you're not sure how to describe it? Here are the details to include in that text to your bird-nerd buddy.
How to Tell Apart Sound-Alike Warblers
April 17, 2020 — Migrants have started arriving—and with them, plenty of confusion. This guide to commonly confused songs will help.
Self-Isolation Is Turning Children Into Budding Birders
April 15, 2020 — During the coronavirus crisis, families are discovering their avian neighbors and nurturing the next generation of nature lovers.
Canceled Birding Festivals Deal Host Towns a Major Economic Blow
April 01, 2020 — As event organizers are forced to make tough decisions over coronavirus concerns, local businesses and nonprofits brace for the fallout.
This Was Supposed to Be Their Birding Big Year—and Then the Coronavirus Arrived
March 26, 2020 — These extreme birders know there are much more important impacts from the pandemic, but it still hurts to watch their plans dissolve.
Birding Is the Perfect Activity While Practicing Social Distancing
March 13, 2020 — This global pandemic has us all pretty freaked out. Handled responsibly, open space and wildlife observation might be just the balm you need.