
A seemingly endless flock of Royal Terns, mostly white and gray birds with spiky black crests and bright orange beaks, nest in a closely-packed crowd. A single bird in the center and its tiny, fuzzy, light-colored chick look towards the camera.
The Big Tern Cheat Sheet: How to ID Four Common Species
July 01, 2022 — In summer, North America’s four largest terns are near look-alikes. With a keen eye for detail you can tell them apart.
Welcome to the Dark Side: Your Guide to Nocturnal Migration Birding
April 04, 2022 — Here’s everything you need to join a growing DIY community where the action heats up when the sun goes down.
A group of people, all wearing gold curling horns on their heads, poses for the camera. The author holds a glowing blue cube in her hand.
From House Finches to President Loki: The Surprises You Find When You Get Outside
March 01, 2022 — How one afternoon of birdwatching for Gaby Sotelo turned into a weekend—and perhaps a lifetime—full of birds.
The ‘Big Boom Theory’ That Could Help Conserve Common Nighthawks
January 14, 2022 — New research confirms that males’ wing-boom sound marks hard-to-find nesting sites—a boon for efforts to save these mysterious, declining birds.
How You Can Help Make Birding More Welcoming and Inclusive
January 14, 2022 — It's easy to create a friendly and encouraging birding community when you keep these pointers in mind.
Meet the Bird Guide and Blogger on a Mission to Keep Women Birders Safe
January 07, 2022 — Tiffany Kersten spent 2021 shining a light on the dangers many birders face in the field—and broke a birding record along the way.
A small bird with a proportionally large beak, and orangey-red plumage on its face and chest perches on a tree branch and holds a small, pink flower blossom in its beak.
10 Fun Facts about the House Finch
December 21, 2021 — These common and adaptable birds provide a welcome pop of color at feeders from coast to coast. But they weren’t always so ubiquitous.
10 Fun Facts About the Red-tailed Hawk
December 03, 2021 — There’s a lot to love about this familiar raptor, from its courtship acrobatics to its masterful hunting.
Ask Kenn: What’s Up With Bird Color Morphs and Phases?
November 24, 2021 — In some species, many adults wear different color patterns from others. Kenn Kaufman explains the phenomenon, and the lingo to describe it.