Great Egret. Andrew McCullough/APP Photography Awards

Great Egret Society

Supporting APP's work in an important new way.

Join Us to Protect Birds and the Places They Need

The Great Egret Society is a group of APP’s most passionate donors who help protect and defend birds with generous contributions of $500 or more annually. We are incredibly grateful for this outstanding level of support.

The Great Egret Society was named after the magnificent bird whose conservation was a driving force in APP’s creation more than one hundred years ago. Members of this inner circle take their place in a strong partnership with APP to create a safer future for the birds that bring us so much hope and joy.

At a time when threats to our birds—from APP change to development—have left many species in extreme danger, the leadership and support of our Great Egret Society members are truly invaluable.

How To Make A Great Egret Society Donation

  • Make a one-time  of $500 or more annually.
  • Make a monthly, recurring  of $45/month or more.
  • Mail your $500+ check to the address below, and in the memo field state “For the Great Egret Society”:

ATTN: Marc Scollo
225 Varick Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10014

Birds in the News
Cook's Petrel
Shearwaters and Petrels
Abert's Towhee
New World Sparrows
Smooth-billed Ani
Cuckoos, Roadrunners, Anis