Costa Rica Untapped
Photograph by Emmanuel Rondeau.
Costa Rica Untapped

If you’re looking for real wilderness adventure in one of the world’s most popular nature travel destinations, get off the beaten path on the Osa Peninsula.

Remember that APP depends on your support to do the conservation work that we do.
Reimagining the Yellow-Throated Warbler
July 09, 2014 — A Toronto artist offers his geometric take on this iconic bird of the south.
Plastic Ingestion Killing Shearwaters
May 31, 2014 — But not for the reason you might think.
Tall Grasses Might Be Key to Cutting Birdstrikes
May 28, 2014 — An APP chapter is partnering with Dayton International Airport to reduce bird-aircraft collisions.
Fighting Bird Poachers at China’s Poyang Lake
May 27, 2014 — Stopping illegal bird hunting in China’s largest freshwater lakes is an uphill battle.
Birding Brought Them Together
May 14, 2014 — A son and his difficult mother found common ground outdoors.
“Come on Over to the Dark Side,” Moth-lover Urges Birders
May 12, 2014 — In the dead of night, John Pickering and fellow enthusiasts head out in search of moths.
The View: People and Plovers
May 12, 2014 — Meet some of the folks who drive our on-the-ground conservation.
Walking With Penguins
May 09, 2014 — With her shepherd’s crook made of rebar, researcher “Hurricane Dee” Boersma still rules—and Argentina’s Magellanic penguins still follow.
Why the Passenger Pigeon Went Extinct
April 17, 2014 — And whether it can, and should, be brought back to life a century after it disappeared.
Farm Bill Will Yield Benefits to Birds and Other Wildlife
February 07, 2014 — Conservationists say the long-stalled legislation contains a number of victories.
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