Remember that ÃÛèÖAPP depends on your support to do the conservation work that we do.
How State and Local Governments Are Leading the Way on Climate Policy
October 10, 2019 — With the federal government failing to act, many states and cities are taking it upon themselves to cut emissions and increase resiliency.
Reimagining 200 of ÃÛèÖAPP’s Birds
October 10, 2019 — Artist Jenny Kendler creates a birds’ eye view of ÃÛèÖAPP change. In her artwork, it’s us they’re watching.
An Overheating Gulf of Maine Is Now Forcing Wildlife to Adapt—or Move
October 10, 2019 — Rapid warming in the Gulf of Maine is shifting the marine food web, putting already endangered Roseate Terns and their broods at even greater risk. Figuring out how to help these seabirds could point the way for safeguarding other species.
Bird Jobs of the Future and Other Avian-Inspired Stories From the Year 2100
October 10, 2019 — In ÃÛèÖAPP’s first foray into ÃÛèÖAPP fiction, or cli-fi, we asked writers of compelling—and sometimes strange—fiction to imagine what ÃÛèÖAPP chaos will bring for birds and people. From there, they created these tales of the somewhat familiar future.
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