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A Former Soldier Who Found Solace Rehabbing Raptors, Now Helps Other Struggling Veterans
September 22, 2017 — After the Persian Gulf War, Robert Vallières grappled with aneurysms, PTSD, and more. Birds are the ones that brought him back.
This Japanese Woodcarver Helps the Blind See Birds Through Touch
September 22, 2017 — Haruo Uchiyama sculpts intricate, life-size birds to teach the world about evolution and extinction. His current mission: modeling 40 species of Hawaiian honeycreepers.
Inside the Race to Save the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow, North America’s Most Endangered Bird
September 22, 2017 — The only hope to prevent extinction may be to remove some of the last birds from the wild for captive breeding. This summer scientists scrambled to collect enough sparrows before the breeding season’s end.
Scientists Want to Start Forecasting When Certain Species Are Migrating Your Way
September 22, 2017 — Weather maps are essential for researchers shadowing birds on the move. Pairing radar with eBird data will take migration tracking to the next level.
Louisiana Is Restoring Its Barrier Islands to Defend Against Hurricanes and Rising Seas
September 22, 2017 — Funds from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are flowing into the state, financing unprecedented restoration work along its beleaguered coast—just in the nick of time.
Once a Toxic Stew, New York’s Onondaga Lake Shows Signs of Life
September 21, 2017 — Thanks to hundred of volunteers, a vast cleanup of the poisoned watershed is wrapping up—and the birds are beginning to return.
Reimagining the Eastern Bluebird
September 21, 2017 — Dianne Bennett drops her bucolic bluebirds into an environment humming with human activity.
The Alarming Decline of the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow Is a Wake-Up Call
September 21, 2017 — These birds are barely hanging on in the wild, but there’s still hope.
Zinke's New Conservation Plans Will Hurt, Not Help, Sage-Grouse Recovery Efforts
September 21, 2017 — As the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it.
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