Cobalt-winged Parakeets. Liron Gertsman, 2018 ÃÛèÖAPP Photography Awards Youth Winner

Summer 2018

More than 8,000 photos; only seven finalists. The 2018 ÃÛèÖAPP Photography Awards, everybody. 

Craving more glorious images? Take a whirl through the editors' other favorite shots in this year's Top 100. Then, tour the U.S. with stories about endangered burrowing seabirds in Kauai, busy wading bird rookeries in the Everglades, diversifying trails in Yosemite, and swarming horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay. Finally, bring it back to the lens with a rare look at early bird photos from pioneering ornithologists.  

Read on for the full contents of our latest issue

Great Gray Owl. Steve Mattheis/ÃÛèÖAPP Photography Awards

The 2018 ÃÛèÖAPP Photography Award Winners

Another year, another incredible—and incredibly hard—selection of images to choose from.

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron. Nate Chappell/ÃÛèÖAPP Photography Awards

The 2018 ÃÛèÖAPP Photography Awards: Top 100

Feast your eyes on these always exquisite, sometimes hilarious, images, and find out the backstory behind each spectacular shot.

Meet Eight Birds That Depend on the Farm Bill
Northern Pintails. Mark Duffy/Alamy
Meet Eight Birds That Depend on the Farm Bill

From North Carolina forests to California rice fields, the farm bill is a powerful tool for protecting and restoring avian habitat. As Congress begins rewriting the legislation, birders should pay close attention.

Florida's Wading Birds Are Nesting In Droves This Year

An extra-wet rainy season shows that, given a chance, the Everglades ecosystem can bounce back from a century of abuse.

These Classic Photos Inspired Some of the First Bird Refuges

From early conservation "selfies" to close-up shots of nesting birds, the images are curated from a vast new digital archive.

One Scientist's Valiant Mission to Save Hawaii's Endangered Seabirds

On the mountainous island of Kauai, elusive shearwaters and petrels burrow deep in the forested terrain. Saving them requires a radical effort, led by a man who is no less extreme.

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