ĂÛèÖAPP Magazine

Discover ĂÛèÖAPP Magazine

Where the latest news about birds and conservation takes flight.
On Florida's Marco Island, families of Burrowing Owls live among the locals. Photo: Karine Aigner

ĂÛèÖAPP delivers essential news, advice, and reporting on birds and bird conservation.

Pairing compelling journalism with stunning photography and design, each quarterly issue helps readers grow their appreciation of birds and learn how to help them thrive.ÌęOur editorial team also reports and publishes stories on ĂÛèÖAPP.org daily, including science and conservation news, birding tips, photo galleries, and interactive reader experiences. In print and digital, through stories and visuals, ĂÛèÖAPP emphasizes the importance of a diverse and inclusive science and conservation effort to help meet the challenges facing both birds and people today.

To receive our award-winning print publication, become a member of the National ĂÛèÖAPP Society.  For our full editorial statement, masthead, pitch guidelines, and pay rates, please visit here.Ìę

Read the Entire Summer 2024 Issue
Read the Entire Summer 2024 Issue

Inside: Celebrate the magazine’s 125th anniversary, and check out the winners of the 2024 ĂÛèÖAPP Photography Awards—now in even more categories. Why overabundant deer are a serious threat to birds. The brave few taking on the mafia to protect birds in a poaching hotspot. Read all these stories and more.

Highlighted Feature Stories
Why Is it So Hard to Keep Cats Indoors?
Why Is it So Hard to Keep Cats Indoors?

When a neighbor’s pet entered her life, our writer devised a plan: Put a GPS tracker on it and delve into why we let our beloved felines wander outside despite the risks they pose to birds and themselves.

Latest News and Articles

Backlit silhouette of a swallow flying to its nest box, out of which another swallow is poking its head.
How to Keep Nest Boxes From Turning Lethal in Extreme Heat
August 22, 2024 — As soaring temperatures during the breeding season become more severe and widespread, here’s how you can make nest boxes cooler homes for baby birds and their parents.
Two hummingbirds on a small branch fighting with each other.
Why Do Hummingbirds Fight So Much?
August 21, 2024 — For hungry hummers in need of nectar to fuel their high-speed lives, territorial disputes can get ugly.
A small dead bird lying on its back on the pavement.
Window Strikes Are Even Deadlier for Birds Than We Thought
August 14, 2024 — A new study suggests the true avian toll of building collisions in the United States reaches well over 1 billion deaths annually.
Three crows stand on a branch inside a screen enclosure.
The World’s Rarest Crow Will Soon Fly Free on Maui
July 23, 2024 — Hoping to succeed where past attempts have failed, scientists will reintroduce the clever corvid to the wild on a new island—a high-stakes conservation effort that requires a careful balancing act.

Find a Read

ĂÛèÖAPP magazine publishes a variety of story types in print and online. Peruse—and enjoy—just a sampling of our work below.Ìę

A New Plastic Wave Is Coming to Our Shores
A New Plastic Wave Is Coming to Our Shores

A glut of natural gas has led to a U.S. production surge in tiny plastic pellets, called nurdles, that are washing up on coasts by the millions.

A New Plastic Wave Is Coming to Our Shores
A New Plastic Wave Is Coming to Our Shores

A glut of natural gas has led to a U.S. production surge in tiny plastic pellets, called nurdles, that are washing up on coasts by the millions.

The Remarkable Life of Roxie Laybourne
The Remarkable Life of Roxie Laybourne

From deep within the Smithsonian, the world’s first forensic ornithologist cracked cases, busted criminals, and changed the course of aviation—making the skies safer for us all.

What a Songbird Lost at Sea Taught Me About Survival
What a Songbird Lost at Sea Taught Me About Survival

Aboard a mission to explore the alien life of the deep ocean, a chance encounter with a migratory bird offered a point of connection—one that has felt poignant this past year.  

Remembering Toni Morrison, the Bird Whisperer
Remembering Toni Morrison, the Bird Whisperer

A year after Morrison’s passing, a journalist and birder reflects on how her time with the cherished author changed her relationship with birds—and with herself.

The ĂÛèÖAPP Guide to Climate Action
The ĂÛèÖAPP Guide to Climate Action

Feeling like you can’t make a difference? That couldn’t be further from the truth. Our award-winning guide shows you where to begin and how to ­amplify your efforts to make lasting change in the world.


The 2023 ĂÛèÖAPP Photo Awards: Top 100

Revel in the staggering beauty and surprising behaviors featured in this gallery of our favorite images.

Photo Essays
Birding Advice and News
Bird Books and Culture
A New Book Explores Our Disdain for Pests
A New Book Explores Our Disdain for Pests

Journalist Bethany Brookshire argues that the idea of a “pest” is more about humans’ view of unwanted animals than the critters themselves.

The ĂÛèÖAPP Bird Guide
Downy Woodpecker
Lark Bunting
New World Sparrows
! Priority Bird
Sooty Shearwater
Shearwaters and Petrels
Philadelphia Vireo