Seven Nifty Jays That Aren’t Blue Jays

Not that there's anything wrong with the Blue Jay, but there is a big, wonderful world of jays out there. Get to know some new ones.

Most East Coast folks have met a Blue Jay before, whether it wasbullying otherbirds at theirfeedersor and dive-bombing sparrows and robins in the canopy. Its similarly hued cousin on the West Coast, the California Scrub-Jay, isalso commonand only slightly less abrasive. Althoughmost of the world's 40 or so jay speciesshare these feistiercharacteristics, the corvidscandiffer dramatically in color and skillsfrom bird to bird. Here are seven more jaysfrom across the Western Hemisphere that might not be aswell-known tomost U.S. residents.

Mexican Jay

The gray-breasted Mexican Jay (pictured above) inhabitsthe mountainsof its namesake nation, but can also be found in theoak-filled forests of some southwestern U.S. states. They raise their young in communalstyle, often with multiple birds feeding chicks from different nests (thoughsomemembers of the group get away with doing nothing). They also have an interesting relationship with Northern Flickers. The woodpeckers follow them in the winter, relying on the jays' alarm calls to avoid predators.

Florida Scrub-Jay

These clever blue and gray jaysare specialized to live in the sparse Florida scrublands, where they mate for life and raise their chicks with the help of older or “adopted” juveniles. Highly sedentary, the species doesn'tventure far from itsnesting placeand will fiercely defend itsterritory from rival clans. Because of its limited habitat, the birds are asAPP change encroaches.

Green Jay

Tropically hued, Green Jays prefer the humid forests of Central and South America. But you can also find them brightening up the mesquite brushwoods of southern Texas. In fact, some birders travel down to the Rio Grande Valley just to gawk at the feeder-loving species.And why not—thosevivid feathers can make anyonego a little crazyforthis bird.

A black mask adds an aura of mystery tothis artsy-looking bird. Larger than the average Blue Jay, it's usuallyfound in gangs of its own kindor mixed flocks, foraging in the canopies of the cloud and elfin foreststhat linethe Andes in South America. It's also bold around humansand cantolerate living in disturbed habitats. Even though Turquoise Jays arethought to be common, there's little known about their numbers and behaviors.

Hailing from the Pacific coast of Mexico, the striking Black-throated Magpie-Jay is notable for its long and luxurious tail feathers, which makeup nearly half its length. It has been known to show upas far north as Los Angeles, though individuals that out of place are probably captive, escaped birds. The jay's calls are described as gurgling or babbling—but it's flight is known to be much more elegant. Here,see .

Canada Jay

Thisplucky opportunist is known to curiously follow hikers andlater raid their campsites for food, earning itself the nickname“camp robber.”The fluffy, fearless speciesfavors the spruce and fir forests of Canada, Alaska,and the Rockies, where it storesexcess food in bark crevices for those long, cold winters. On sight, birdersmay confuse them with Clark's Nutcrackers; by ear, theycan be tough to tell from Steller's Jays.

Brown Jay

The darkest of allNorth American jays, these big, noisy birdstravel inbig, noisy flocks. But they can also be sneaky when they want to be: In the tropics, they'll follow army ants and snap up whatever small prey is left in the insects' wake. They're commonlyfound in riverside forests in Mexico and Central Americaand will also occasionally cross the border into Southern Texas.

Correction: These species are all found in the Western Hemisphere, not the Eastern.