How You Can Help Make Birding More Welcoming and Inclusive

It's easy to create a friendly and encouraging birding community when you keep these pointers in mind.

“Birding is for everybody!” Right?

It’s easy to think that everybodyfeelswelcome and included in the birding community and the outdoorsjust because we say things like that.But sometimes it’s not enough to assume folks know they’rewelcome; we must beintentionalabout it,too.There areconcrete actions we can takeas individual birders, members of birding groups, and organizationstoensure thateverybodyfeels that theybelongin the birding community.

Bybeing intentionally welcoming and inclusive,we’llcreateenvironmentsthat others will want tojoinand avoid inadvertently contributingtoonesthat feel exclusive.Andthat’s the first step to ensuring that birding truly is for everybody.

Tips for Individuals

Check your assumptions:Dopeopleneed binoculars togo birding?Do they need toseebirds at all to enjoy them? Consider yourunconscious understandingof “birding” or “birders” andcheckifyour personal definitionsarebased on assumptions orstereotypes(which can often be exclusionary). Then, work to expand your internal definitions.(SeeIt’s Time to Redefine ‘Birding’for more on this.)And if someone withoutopticsorwithhearinglossasks what you’ve seen or heard on the trail, imagine what you might spark if your response is enthusiastic and encouraging!

Be kind online:The birding community existsin digital spaces, too,so it is important to be as mindful in internet forumsasit is in real life.Blunt, hastily written commentscan cause miscommunication,so take it upon yourself to set a positive and inclusive tone for everyone. For example, if someone shares a photoina birding Facebook groupand requestsID help,kindly, with encouragement, explain what the bird isor suggestID tips.It cantake courage to ask for help, and thereplies someonereceives in online birding forumsmayimpactwhether they want to engage with the community in the future.

Respect others:Some people enjoy being socialoutdoors, while othersmay have gone to nature toget away from social interaction.Accepting thedifferentwayspeople interactwith each other and with theoutdoors without judgment is part of fostering inclusive environments.Learn toreadDZ’sbody languageand tone for boundaries they might be trying to express.Be mindfulof your own manners—for example, don’t stareat a person with avisible difference.

Educate yourself:Spend time learning how to be anti-racist,how to be a good ally,andsome basicdisability etiquette.Learn about intersectionality,too. Butdon’t expect other birders to educate you on these topics.(Google theminstead.)Take concrete actions to make everyone welcome, such as sharing your pronouns when you introduce yourself in person or online (this can signal to trans and non-binary folks that it’s safe for them to share their pronouns, too). Online, you canincludeimagedescriptions in your social media posts,sothatfolks who use screen reader software can access the otherwise visual information you’re sharing.There are lots of resources online, and the more you learn, the less uncomfortable you’llbewhen you meet someone new.

Tips for Leaders of Outings

Smile and say "hi!":Thismustbe the easiest way ofwelcomingpeople!Verbally greet participants is importantincasesomeone is blind or has low visionthey may not realize you smiled at them. Introduceyourself andwear a name tag with good contrast and large print so folks who forget can refer back to it later.It may seem straightforward, but trust us: Don’t skip this step!

Hold an orientation:Before you head off,help participants get situatedby introducing yourself, the location(you can evenincludealand acknowledgement),the birds you’re hoping to seeor hear, and behavior expectations.Consider your tone and approachif you sharehow long you or anyone else has been birding,asthis can feel intimidating to beginners.Take an inclusive approach: For example, you might pointout that no one knows everything about birds, so anyone is welcome to ask anyone else questions.(It’s amazing how friendly this feels amongst strangers!)Invite participants to share their names and pronounswith the group,too, and any access needs they have if they think it will be helpful for others to know.

Be sensitive:Being a thoughtful leader requires attention and tact.If someone in your group has a disability or other health concern,you don’t have to do everything possible to avoid mentioning their access need, butfind ways to accommodate them without making a fuss.For example, if someone isusinga wheelchair,lead theentiregroup up the ramp instead of taking the stairs; or invitewheelchairusersto the front of the groupso they can seepast standing people.Build insit-down breaks soabirder with chronic fatigue can have rest.

Believe your participants:Believingsomeone when theyfirstidentifya bird is asurprisinglycommon wayto helpfolksfeel welcomedor not. Sincemanybirding outingsinvolveidentification, it is important to bemindfulas you help a groupor an individualID birds, asitcan beincredibly discouraging when someone immediately assumessomeone elsehas itwrong.Asmall attitudeshiftoftrust but verifycan makean enormous impactonsomeone feeling welcome. Ifsomeone hasmisidentified the bird,certainlyeducate gently and encouragingly,but don’t talk down toanyone.After all, both new and experienced birders are bound to make mistakes.

Promoteaccountability:If you hearsomeone say somethingracist, sexist, homophobic,transphobic,ableist, or otherwiseunwelcoming or mean,address it. “Hey,we don’t say things like that here,” in a calm, firm tone establishes behavioral expectations and signals to others in the group that you won’t tolerate it again.Be willing to draw a line: Ifthe offending party says something similar again, firmly and politely ask them to leave. Your discomfort at having to do this is much lesssignificantthan the harm the offender maycausesomeone else.

Foster widespread change:As you practice inclusivity as a group leader, consider ways that you can encourage this work at organizations youare connected to. For example, you mightincorporate or advocate forinclusive online practices, such asimage descriptions on social media posts, alt text on websites, and closed captions during virtual meetings and presentations. All of these small stepshelp folks optintoparticipation.Encourage groups to commit toregular programming,such asmonthly accessible bird outingsinstead of more sporadic ones;budgeting for presenters’ honorariums;and high-quality diversity, equity,and inclusion training for staff and volunteers.

Remember:Keep beingintentionallyinclusive to ensure everyone—nomatter their skin color, disability or health status, experience level, sexual orientation,gender identity and presentation,country of originor anything else that may make them seem different thanyouknows that they are, truly, welcome.Sometimes this takesmoretime andenergy,and sometimes it takes money. But being intentionally inclusive is one way of being kind. And it always feels good to give—and to receive—kindness.

Freya McGregor, OTR/L, CIGis the Birdability Coordinator andanoccupationaltherapist.Birding since childhood, her ‘dodgy’ knee often creates an accessibility challenge for her, and she is passionate about breaking down the barriers that birders – and potential future birders – face when trying to go birding, especially for those who experience accessibility challenges as a result of a disability orother health concern.You can follow her on Instagramand learn more about Birdability at