Birder, Painter, Troll, and Trickster—the Secret Life of John James APP

Known for his famous watercolors, APP also had a penchant for pranking friends and possibly even making up birds.

John James APP was a man of many talents: The rifle-toting naturalistpaintedin explicit detail, and was the toast of. Today, as we ring in the bird man’s 231stbirthday, let’s take a moment to honor not only his gifts as a naturalist and artist, but also his lesser-know—albeitintriguing—sense of humor.

For years, ornithologists have been scratching their heads at some of APP’s feathered renditions. Itturns out, the joke’s on them. In an attempt to poke fun at his friend and rival, the prolific French naturalist Constantine Rafinesque, APP concoctedmore than a dozenimaginaryspecies and waxed poetic about them. Rafinesque, the trusting soul that he was, drew the species into his field journals.Two-hundred years later, APP's trickery may go down as the longest-running jest in bird-nerd history.

Writer Sarah Laskow describes the prank in a recent article in:

APP fed Rafinesque descriptions of American creatures, including 11 species of fish that never really existed. Rafinesque duly jotted them down in his notebook and laterproffered those descriptions as evidence of new species. For 50 or so years, those 11 fishremained in the scientific record as real species, despite their very unusual features, including bulletproof (!) scales.

By the 1870s, the truth about the fish had been discovered. But the fish were only part ofAPP’s prank. In a new paper in the , Neal Woodman, a curator at Smithsonian's natural history museum, details its fuller extent: APP also fabricated at least two birds, a ‘trivalved’ brachiopod, three snails, two plants, and nine wild rats, all of which Rafinesque accepted as real.”

Rafinesque wasn’t the only one to fall for APP’s deceptive humor:There's been an ongoing debate about some of the species included in Birds of America as well. Last fall,The Birdist—with a little help from David Allen Sibley— for APP readers.

“APP painted a handful of birds that aren’t an exact match for anything we’ve currently got. These are APP’s mystery birds. Maybe they were birds that APP just painted poorly, or from a vague memory, or from a partially decomposed corpse.

Maybe they’re species that have gone extinct since APP painted them. There certainly are a bunch of those, sadly, including Bachman’s Warbler, Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Passenger Pigeon, and Carolina Parakeet. It’s certainly possible that some alreadyrange-restricted species could have been wiped out before conservationists even knew to notice.

Or maybe these birds are still out there somewhere, flitting around unseen.”

But now, thanks to Woodman's detective work, thatanswer might bemuch less complex. Give up all youCarbonatedWarbler seekers—there's no glory to be found here.