11 Terrifying Dinosaurs That Rocked Feathers Better Than Birds

These illustrations will redefine the way you think about your favorite dinosaurs.

Feathers are what distinguishes birds from other existing lifeforms; but they’re also what connects them to the creatures of yore. Over the last two decades, thousands of fossils unearthed in China'shave confirmed what paleontologists long suspected: Dinosaursrockedfeathers long before birds took to the sky.The findings debunk the theory that feathers evolved specifically for flight, and opens a Pandora’s box to the other purposes they may have served.

A new exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, titled “,” allows us to dwell in the wondrous possibilities.The exhibit is not your typical paleontological scene. It pairs chalky, jagged fossils with models and drawings of dinosaurs extraordinary plumage. Visitors are also invited to build their own flying dinos and explore the anatomical and behavioral connections between birds and their prehistoric kin.

The displays offer a life-sized look at a host of bizarre and terrifying feathered beasts—like theCitipati osmolskae(pictured above)—that blurthe line between birds and dinosaurs. And while giant dino chickens are bound to peak interest, it's the revamped models of thebristly,23-foot-long Tyrannosaurand ruffled, dead-eyedVelociraptorthat really stir the imagination. Meanwhile, illustrated reimaginings, like the ones below, further mystifythis ancient era of time.

But what exactly did these ground-bound, alien-lookingcreaturesneed feathers for?One of the exhibit’s central themes is that feathers are not just a conduit for flight:Increasing speed and agility, regulating body temperature, and attracting matesare a few of the ways scientists think dinosaurs may have wielded their plumes. Some species shook their dramatic tail feathers to attract members of the opposite sex, justlike peacocks and Superb Bird-of-Paradises do today. Others used them to build up a fierce demeanor. One lethal Velociraptor,, sported largequill knobson it forearms, which could have been used to pin down prey. Meanwhile, theZhenyuanlong suni—a 6-foot-long Velociraptor described as a ""—may have used its giant quills to intimidate other dinosaurs and shelter its chicks. “There's a diversity of [dinosaur] feathers," Gregory Erickson, a professor of Anatomy and Vertebrate Paleobiology at Florida State University, says, "and that's the case of modern birds now."

As more discoveries uncoverthe evolution of feathers, the difference between birds and dinosaurs becomes more obsolete. "Birds are virtually, in every way, living modern dinosaurs," Michael Novacek, the Senior Vice President of Paleontology at AMNH, said during a preview of the exhibit. Recent findings indicate that, like Stegosaurus and Triceratops, sported quill-like structures, too. But it’s the larger carnivorous dinosaurs(the group that avians evolved from) that first bore the feathery structures scientists believecontributed to modern-day flight.

”I think . . . wings actually evolved as a display structure or an egg-brooding structure, and then these dinosaurs suddenly found themselves with big sheets on their arms that had aerodynamic properties,” says Stephen Brusatte, a paleontologist and evolutionary biologist at the University of Edinburgh who helped describe the demonicZhenyuanlong sun.“That's probably how flight began—by accident.”