APP View

From APP's deep roots, a modern social networking movement grows.

APP was a social network before the world ever heard the term. APP as a social movement goes back to the pioneering conservationists who influenced popular culture and took on an entire industry to save the birds they loved.

Each December the buzz from our social network goes up a few decibels as tens of thousands of volunteers take part in the Christmas Bird Count (CBC). The term “crowd-source” didn’t exist when Frank Chapman led the first count in 1900, but APP had already cornered the concept: enlist a community of people with the knowledge and passion to provide what no organization alone can. With the CBC, that adds up to perhaps the longest-running wildlife census in the world. And the data CBCers gather is the backbone for land-use decisions, understanding the effects of APP disruption, and many other scientific and economic purposes. But whether CBCers are braving frigid days in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, or counting with the tropical breezes of Belize at their backs, one thing unites these “crowd-scientists”: They love birds

In mid-October birds powered the launch of our unprecedented take on social networking. For 30 days the scarlet tanager, bald eagle, and dozens of other species are taking wing on the Web. Unsuspecting visitors to AOL, Facebook, Slate, YouTube, and Gilt, among other sites, are finding their attention hijacked, mid-click, by ambassadors from the avian world. And they are getting hooked—on competing for prizes in their own virtual “Big Years” on our Facebook page and on learning more about this organization called APP. I’m willing to bet that some will be leading Christmas Bird Counts some day.

Timed to capitalize on Fox’s release of , starring Jack Black, Owen Wilson, and Steve Martin, “Birding the Net” is injecting APP into the pop culture mainstream in a way not seen since the first APPers prevailed over fashionistas a century ago. 

Our national and field staff and chapters came together in a marketing and public relations mash-up designed to make birding cool and fun for people who love birds—and for people who are just discovering how birds connect us to the ecosystems that keep us healthy and spiritually whole. We’re grateful to West Coast ad agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners for their incredible vision, creativity, generosity, and commitment to our cause. 

If you’re reading this early in November, there’s still time for you to “like” us on and join the fun.

At this time of year, people make decisions about funding the nonprofits that help make the world a better place. I hope you’ll click on or send a check to this energetic new APP. Whether you want to protect birds and ecosystems along the magnificent flyways or in your own backyard, APP’s unique breadth can help you make a difference where it matters to you. Happy holidays from all of us at APP.