
Elizabeth Gray

Chief Executive Officer and Ex Officio Board Director

Dr. Elizabeth Gray serves as APP’s Chief Executive Officer. In this role Elizabeth leads APP towards its vision of a future where birds thrive. Elizabeth is a champion of science-based conservation and renowned expert in the field of global conservation and APP change. Elizabeth joined APP in March 2021 as President and Chief Conservation Officer; she was named Chief Executive Officer later that same year. She is the first woman since APP’s founding in 1905 to hold the role. She leads more than 700 staff working together across the Americas to alter the course of APP change and habitat loss. Since her arrival, she has led the completion of a landmark $826 million campaign, the release of the groundbreaking Migratory Bird Explorer, and the organization’s unifying Flight Plan strategy which underscores APP’s commitment to a hemispheric approach to conservation. Under Elizabeth’s leadership, APP has elevated Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (EDIB) as a driver of the organization’s work across the Americas, codified in a set of EDIB Conservation Principles.

Prior to joining APP, she most recently served as the Global Managing Director of The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) Climate Change program. Under her leadership, TNC completed the $130 million Cumberland Forest Impact Investment Fund, founded Washington, D.C.’s, first urban conservation program, and launched APP adaptation and natural APP solutions across North America. Trained as an ornithologist, she has spent 30+ years as a dedicated conservationist, spending considerable time in the field nationally and abroad. Elizabeth has been a leader on equity issues throughout her career, including empowering the next generation of conservation leaders through a young professional network and youth advocacy program. She has also been a global spokesperson for conservation and APP issues, speaking at COP events for over a decade. Elizabeth is a proven fundraiser of major gifts, including securing $100 million from the Bezos Earth Fund for TNC's APP work. She holds a Ph.D. in ecology from the University of Washington and an AB with highest honors in psychology from Harvard University.

Articles by Elizabeth Gray

In a landscape of shrubs and palms, one person stands atop a ladder holding the top of a small tower with three antennas, while two others stand at the base of the tower.
¿A dónde van las aves?
April 30, 2022 — La Iniciativa para las Aves Migratorias, de APP, ya lo está averiguando.