Brooke Bateman

Brooke Bateman

Senior Director, Climate & Community Science

As the Senior Director of Climate and Community Scienceat the APP, Dr. Brooke Batemancollaborates with scientists, volunteers, and APP’s Climate Initiative team to develop research focused on APP and the conservation of birds and the places they need today and in the future. In this role she led a team of scientists in developing Survival by Degrees:389 Bird Species on the Brink, APP's 2019 Birds and Climate Change Report. She also led a team of scientists in developingAPP's Natural Climate Solutions Report- Maintaining and restoring natural habitats to mitigate APP change, a report which provides a scientific framework to address both the biodiversity and APP crises through harnessing the natural power of our ecosystems to store carbon and provide co-benefits for birds.As the science director of Climate Watch, she works with community volunteers to understand how APP change currently affects birds in North America. Her research focus is on spatial ecology and conservation, emphasizing the effect that extreme weather events and APP change have on biodiversity. Brooke works closely with on-the-ground practitionersto link APP research to on-the-ground conservation and management actions.

Before joining the APP science team in 2016, Brooke conducted postdoctoral research on the influence of APP and weather on birds and marsupials with James Cook University, The University of Tasmania, and CSIRO in Australia. She also served as postdoctoral associate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and, later as an assistant scientist, on a NASA project researching how extreme weather events affect birds. Brooke received her PhD in Zoology and Tropical Ecology at James Cook University in Australia in 2010, a Graduate Diploma of Research Methods from James Cook University in 2006, and a Bachelor of Science, cum laude, from Boston College in 2003. Brooke enjoys hiking, drawing, rowing, ultimate frisbee, pottery, yoga, and birding with her daughter. Her favorite bird is the Common Loon.