Paul Tashjian

Director of Freshwater Conservation, APP New Mexico

Paul Tashjian joined APP in March of 2018 to establish a comprehensive water and restoration strategy for the Rio Grande in New Mexico. At APP, Paul has developed water market strategies for the Rio Grande, building on the work of his predecessor Beth Bardwell. He has expanded APP’s role in the Rio Grande by building capacity through federal and state grants, representation on federal water teams, and coordination with many partners from irrigation districts to other non-profit environmental organizations.

Prior to joining APP, Paul spent 26 years working as a regional hydrologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the southwestern United States. His expertise includes water management and water protection for wildlife, river restoration, water law, and wetland workshop coordination. Paul was the founder and coordinator of the Bosque Hydrology Group, an inter-agency, inter-university think tank that focused on the physical restoration of the Middle Rio Grande in New Mexico. He coordinated the quantification and protection of water rights on National Wildlife Refuge with Department of Interior solicitors and federal and state water management agencies, conducted numerous studies and workshops to improve wetland management on Refuges, and implemented river restoration projects throughout the southwestern United States.

Paul enjoys fishing, photography and family. He holds degrees from Colorado College and Temple University.

Articles by Paul Tashjian

Protegiendo los Ríos de Nuevo México
May 20, 2024 — Los ríos de Nuevo México son nombrados los más amenazados de EE. UU.