
David Yarnold

Former President and CEO (2010 to 2021), APP

David Yarnold became APP's 10th president in September 2010, charged with leading a turnaround that would expand APP's effectiveness while building on the organization's strong conservation legacy.  Under his leadership, APP's distributed network is becoming a coordinated, collaborative force for hemispheric conservation. With 463 local Chapters, 22 state offices and 44 APP Centers across the country, APP connects nearly four million people using science, advocacy and education. "We are all APP," Yarnold says. "No other organization has our wingspan when it comes to being able to drive conservation action, whether in individual backyards or in Congress."

Under Yarnold's leadership, APP is aligning its conservation work along migratory flyways, the "superhighways in the sky" that millions of birds travel each spring and fall.  "Flyways transcend geographical and political boundaries," he said. "They give us a literal birds-eye view of environmental issues and trends, and help direct our work.  Sometimes this leads us to hands-on restoration, like keeping Nebraska's Platte River vital for the Sandhill Cranes and many other species that depend on it, and sometimes it leads us to critical legislative needs, like ensuring that penalties from the gulf oil catastrophe are used to fund gulf restoration."  Yarnold oversees APP's Important Bird Area program, which protects 370 million acres along the flyways in the US and frames our work with BirdLife International and other conservation organizations around the globe.

With expertise in APP and energy issues, Yarnold has made environmentally-friendly siting for renewable energy one of his highest priorities at APP. He has launched numerous innovative social media efforts, including a national movement called And he has put cutting-edge mapping technology at the center of APP's reinvention. His global background has deepened APP's alliances with BirdLife International and other partners to build a hemispheric air bridge for birds as they migrate across the flyways of the Americas.

Yarnold came to APP from the Environmental Defense Fund, where he played a leading role in expanding partnerships with corporations and helped double revenue. He also led the organization's political action arm and was its leading U.S.-based advocate for the creation of environmental markets in China.  A former Pulitzer Prize-winning editor at the San Jose Mercury News, he is an outspoken and eloquent advocate for birds and the environment.

Yarnold writes op eds and columns for Huffington Post,, CNN, McClatchy News Service, and others.  APM's "Marketplace" , "This is not your grandmother's APP anymore." He has appeared on CNN, NPR, MSNBC, BBC, PBS News Hour, and The Colbert Report.

He is a marathoner, an earnest birder and he still reads sports news in the morning before anything else.

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To request photos or an interview with David Yarnold, contact:

Media Relations


For speaking requests and general correspondence, contact:

Ginger Pinto
Senior Assistant to the President & CEO

Articles by David Yarnold

Los nuevos planes de conservación de Zinke, en vez de ayudar, perjudicarán a los esfuerzos de recuperación del Urogallo de las Artemisas
October 24, 2017 — Como dice el dicho: No intente reparar lo que no se ha roto.
Los políticos ofrecen una opción falsa entre naturaleza y economía
July 31, 2017 — Proteger las aves y el medioambiente no tiene por qué ser a costa de la salud económica y el crecimiento.
APP es una fuerza de la naturaleza, gracias a sus miembros
May 17, 2017 — Nunca antes había existido una mayor necesidad de nuestro enfoque de soluciones adaptadas a lo local y en cualquier lugar.
Un llamado a la esperanza
January 19, 2017 — Cuando se protege a las aves, se protege el planeta. Y cada uno de nosotros tiene el poder de hacer un mundo mejor para las aves.
Un voto a favor del respeto y la misericordia es un voto a favor de las aves
November 07, 2016 — Durante una temporada de elecciones históricamente incivilizada, es hora de recordar lo que realmente importa.
Decisiones más inteligentes con respecto al agua podrían ayudar a terminar con la sequía del oeste
July 28, 2016 — APP está trabajando para garantizar que las nuevas reglamentaciones para la distribución del agua protejan y restauren los hábitats para las aves y otras formas de vida silvestre.
Recorriendo el camino de la sostenibilidad
March 28, 2016 — Es más importante que nunca hacer negocios con empresas ecológicas.
Ayude a APP a proteger la llanura costera
March 03, 2016 — Después de décadas de espera, verdaderamente estamos por alcanzar una victoria para la conservación, ansiada durante muchos años.
Es momento de actuar
February 15, 2016 — Este siglo, casi la mitad de nuestras aves están en peligro de extinción. Eso no tiene que suceder.
Pájaros favoritos
Pardela Negruzca
Pardelas y Petreles
Pardela Patirrosa
Pardelas y Petreles
Quetzal Orejón
Pardela Capirotada
Pardelas y Petreles